“I pushed the button and the door does not open.” One of our most common problems among homeowners. The life of a quality garage door opener typically last about 15 years. During that time frame they do their job diligently every day, opening and closing the door. There are many reasons a garage door opener stops...Read More
People experience all sorts of issues regarding their garage doors and openers, some problems are much more common than others. If your garage or opener are giving you trouble here are four of the most common problems that our technicians see in the field. What Causes Garage Door Problems? 1. Broken spring When a...Read More
“My garage door opener is broken and I don’t know if I should repair or replace?“ This is a common question we hear from our customers. We say that nowadays, with our increased use of our garages, a quality garage door opener will last 9-10 years. Some they will last longer, some will be shorter....Read More
Do you hear horrible sounds coming from your garage every time someone uses the garage door? Does your garage door wake you up when used? Whatever is causing your garage door to sound like a monster, it’s best to figure out the cause and put a stop to it before you end up the least...Read More
Avoid Garage Door Problems This Winter School has just started up again this week and fall is just around the corner. This time of year always reminds me that its a great time to get your garage door and operator serviced for the upcoming winter season. No one wants to deal with a door problem...Read More
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.“ – Margaret Mead Importance Of Community Involvement We at All Seasons Garage Door Company are proud to support our neighbors and our community. It is so rewarding to be able to give...Read More
Need New Weather Stripping For Your Garage Door? Does your garage door leak when it rains? With all this rain we have been having lately you may have noticed your door is not up to the task of keeping the elements out anymore. Minnesota is notorious for being hard on our home’s exterior as we...Read More
Lightning (and garage door opener circuit board) Season **Crash… boom… crack… rumble** Sound familiar? It is spring in Minnesota. Or as we call it here at All Seasons Garage Door Company, circuit board season. This is the time of year for lightning strikes and the rumble of thunder. Garage door openers are sensitive to power...Read More
Time To Check On Your Garage Components Hopefully warmer weather is just around the corner, and with that comes spending time outside, barbecues and everything else that goes with summer. People will be spending time in their garages working on lawn mowers, having get togethers and hopefully enjoying the summer weather. It’s a great time...Read More
Many people see a garage door as an afterthought, but the age and look of the door can play a big role in the first impression your home creates. Your garage generally accounts for 20–40 percent of your home, so it’s a feature that should not be overlooked when planning and designing. A garage is...Read More