Garage Door Openers & Lightning

Lightning Garage Door Opener Issues

We wanted to share a couple tips regarding your garage door openers and lightning strikes or power surges.  After a thunderstorm we see garage door openers that start having issues after a power surge due to lightning.  When this happens the circuit board on the opener and possibly the safety photo eyes may be damaged.

Common Symptoms

  • Garage door opener operates erratically
  • Transmitters and keyless entries will not work with garage door opener
  • The LED lights on the photo eyes are not lit up
  • Light flashes repeatedly on the back of the circuit board
  • Garage door opener acts like it has no power even when there is power going to the outlet.

If you experiencing any of these symptoms after a storm or power surge please give us a call and our knowledgeable service techs will get you up and running again!