Visually inspect your door for any issues that could become function or safety concerns. Look for frayed cables, worn rollers or cracked hinges. Call us to have a trained service technician come out to repair your door if you are not comfortable doing so.
Check the balance of your door at least every 3-6 months. Disconnect the door from the garage door opener and lift the door manually. Always Disconnect the door when in the down position. It should run smoothly and stay up by itself when fully open. If you find the door runs poorly or won’t stay up by itself call us to have a trained service technician come out to repair.
Lubricate all hinges, rollers and tracks at least once every six months. This will keep the door running smooth and quiet.
Test your garage door openers reversing function and photo eyes at least once every 1-3 months. Refer to your owners manual on how to properly do this for your style opener.
Wash the exterior of your door once a year to keep it looking new and prevent harsh chemicals from building up on it. A car wash soap or dish soap will be sufficient for cleaning.
We have put together a package of the most common parts that break to assist our customers in planned maintenance of their garage doors at a substantial savings. The Maintenance Package includes torsion springs, both cables, all the rollers, the end bearings on the spring shaft, and a full tune up and lubrication. The package also includes an upgraded 1 Year warranty on all parts and 5 year warranty on springs. Replacing these parts helps to greatly avoid a broken garage door at the most inconvenient time. Call us today to learn more.
Servicing the entire Twin Cities, MN area.
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